Sunday, January 1, 2012


So here we are! The year of the Irish! I guess there is kind of a lot of pressure for me to post on the first day of what will be one of the best years of Irish Lacrosse! As all of you know I am definitely not the funniest on the team (I mean my roommate was Kelly how can I compete?) so I am going to try and go the more inspirational approach.

After reading all the blogs that everyone has posted I have never been more inspired on a winter break to work my butt off and come back better then ever. I know this fall has not been the easiest for any of us, and our team as a whole has taken quite a lot of hits in our personal lives, injuries, and just life has got us down some times, but this being the start of a New Year we can change all of that around!

While I was reading "The Energy Bus" I came across something that to me solidified what not just our team, but people in general tend to do and that is dwell on the negative instead of focusing on the positive (sorry Bear for the reiteration of what you got in your letter). In one of the chapters of the book it talked about looking at life as if you were playing a golf game, look for that one amazing moment instead of dwelling on all of the bad. So instead of thinking how hard the 300s will be when I go run them every Friday, I think about how lucky I am to play for the Fighting Irish and get to step on the field every day with my best friends. How the weather has been amazing that I have been fortunate to run outside, so I run one extra to work that much harder for each of you.

I thought Emily's post and the youtube video of Drew Brees' speech said it perfectly, this is all about you. When I get on the line every day and start those sprints, or I do my bench press with one arm or attempt to do pull ups by myself (which you're right Barb very difficult) I don't think about how I am doing this for myself, or how hard it is, I think about how I am doing this for all of you. So that we can go out and be the best we can be together. We are so fortunate to be able to play the sport we love every day. Yes I know sometimes running and lifting are not the most fun, but in the end it is leading up to being out on the field together, and to me there is not much that is better then that.

When you step onto that treadmill these next 2 weeks, or outside on the line, or looking at those weights to pick up, just stop and think about the people that will be standing next to you in 2 weeks doing the exact same thing, and do one more, or raise the weight just a little bit more. If we all think about how lucky we are to be playing lacrosse with each other, and we work that much harder for each other nothing can stop this team. Each one of you mean the world to me and I cannot wait to get back with you all so I can stop pretending Meg Sullie is in front of me and I have to catch her while I run.

I will leave you with this video, similar to Emily's it is Drew Brees explaining his pregame chant to the people of New Orleans after the welcome home parade after they won the Super Bowl; the first one means the most in my eyes "When I say 1 you say 2 when I say win you say for you" because that's what we will do this season, win for each other.

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