Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Hello pretty ladies, Nick, Christian.
This Philly girl has had an uneventfully awesome break hanging out with her mum, dad, sisters, and even brother who took off from his naval shenanigans to spend time with his little sis. Tons of family time.... tons.
I got back from the Urban Plunge service trip last Thursday with Al and Mol and immediately felt the impact that the experience had on me. Adele's blog spelled it out exactly--we see opportunities daily that many will NEVER see. We saw girls 19-22 years old with 3 kids, homeless, and struggling to find a job while I complain about the food at training table. Really, Leah?

As Meg said, there isn't much left to be covered for us here at the caboose of this blog.
After all the inspiration given by all my teammates working their butts off, I wanted to share my appreciation and show how I'm using their hardwork to generate my own.

"Talk doesn't cook rice."

I realized that reading this blog and all that my teammates have to say does nothing unless I actually use it. Talk doesn't cook rice and talk won't make me hangclean more weight, run a faster 300, or win another game. Let's not just talk to talk, let's talk to work hard.

-Over and out-

Leah #10

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