Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Why Hello Long Long Friends

I guess after today I am able to call you friends, whether it be long lost or not.  Well today my day started at about 8, as I made my way to the Buffalo airport, with my grandma and her dog, aka her only pride and joy. Day started off relatively smoothly, dunkin donuts in my stomach numerous times throughout the morning, and no problems getting through security wearing a jean button up that says "Grandma's Angels" on it, with an embroidered pictures of all of the grandchildren on it.  I found it in my grandma's closet and couldn't resist.  But anyways, you'll find when traveling with dogs, everything starts out really well.  Everyone wants to be your friend.  People will come over and pretend to talk to you for a few seconds until you realize the whole time their eye contact is very low, aiming directly at the cute little white dog.  The sniffing and licking is totally acceptable and adorable, and your the airport's most popular.  Then comes boarding time, and the only place for the dog is in the little travel carrier. Suddenly you're an animal cruelest and people would do anything to make your life miserable.  The looks....as if i want to carry a dog in a purse.  So then comes the dog being on the plane, and no one even cares about the animal cruelty anymore, you are just the worst human being ever.  I guess the 14 million crying babies on the flight are totally acceptable, oh and the large orange cat? The flight attendant told me that there was actually 7 animals (6 dogs and 1 cat named chester) and 15 babies. Ive never been happier that to have that many babies to drown out the yips, the attempts to bite her way out of her case, and my grandma nearly crying about 12 times because she thought lacey was dead because she was finally quiet.  So we had a transfer in arizona and just to top off everything, on our flight from phoenix to oakland, were almost landed and my grandma says "so what is this machine were riding on"..........well this is what we call an airplane.  But thank god, here I sit, with a calm and alive dog, and a sleeping grandma, and my awesome california family.  That picture is a before picture and i wouldn't dare show an after picture.....

well onto other things, as for the rest of my break.  A few highlights are that I won a chubby bunny competition, actually peed myself while running 100s and had absolutely no control, and shared my love for pizza logs with ellie, who still can't stop raving about them. Here's some evidence.  
Well now onto some inspiration, I guess it could be a bit of a stretch, but I could easily relate it back to my love for food, in particular my love for pizza logs. (get me talking about garbage plates and we will really be in trouble) There really is nothing like sharing your love for something with someone else, and having the love and passion be shared.  If everyday we step onto the field with the hope to share our heart and passion for the game, the effect can only possibly be positive.  Heart and passion are both contagious, and to be a team that has 29 players filled with heart, we will be unstoppable. And for those of you who don't know what pizza logs are, they're fried, delicious. greedy, cheesy and pepperoni-y. Well I don't know about you, but this week in Cali i will certainly look forward to not choking on snowflakes as a run outside.  Miss you all very much chicitas :D

<3 Shauna Suzanne Pugliese

1 comment:

  1. im sooo glad that i'm not the only one who pees there pants when they run!
