Saturday, January 7, 2012

Heyy Friends!!!

Love this blog!! It’s nice to know what everyone is up to. I hope everyone is having a great break and enjoying being home for a little bit. I have certainly enjoyed spending time with the rents and my brothers. I haven’t done anything too exciting just running errands and watching every criminal minds episode that’s on TV.  Also no offense to our nutritionists, but training table definitely doesn’t compare to my mom’s cooking. Sue has consistently been bringing her A-game to dinner each night. I am truly spoiled! But really I have loved being home. It is actually scary to think that this could be my last time home for extended amount of time.

I would be disowned as Sue Nangle’s daughter if I posted a blog with no pictures. So here is a little pic of my mom and me from sunset last night. Yes it was a selfie and we did take numerous pictures because it looked like I had a lazy eye in each one. But, as you can see the sunset was a beut. It definitely does not feel like winter here. Ellie already mentioned it, but global warming is definitely occurring.  I don’t think I have ever before been able to run outside with just a t-shirt on in January, which I did yesterday for those wonderful 300s. Hopefully, South Bend isn’t the winter wonderland that I fondly remember from my last three years either. I am not ready for the tundra on South quad!!

As much as I love my number 7, following Meg Sully’s inspirational blog really isn’t easy. I completely agree with her comments. If we bring more energy, more drive, and more confidence to each practice and game this spring, then we will be extremely successful. However, saying it and doing it are very different, and it is hard to show up each day. So to help you push through your remaining workouts and any practices and games during this season, think about what makes you really want to succeed.

For me it is easy. A year ago, I was planted on my couch with my game ready machine recovering from surgery.  I wanted more than anything to be running and playing lax. Sometimes you don’t appreciate something until it is taken away from you. Finally being healthy, I want to show up each day with everything I have solely to take advantage of the opportunity to play for Notre Dame with my best friends. As we begin this season, find some reason to motivate yourself- whatever it may be so we can talk the talk and walk the walk.  And then we will achieve every goal we set to have great 2012 season!

Can’t wait to see you all in one short week!!!


  1. Flann diggity! Couldn't agree more! If we are all driven by what personally motivates us, collectively we will be unstoppable! Tell your mom the picture is awesome, per Nangle-usual :) Love, Kenz

  2. thanks for the inspiration flan you are absolutely right you don't know what you have until its gone

