Monday, January 16, 2012

IRISH LACROSSE 2012- Ready or not, here we come!

So here we are...31 days since the first post and another day stronger than the last one. I wanted to save my blog for last and I wanted to share with you my vision and anticipation for this season that is before us. I have enjoyed getting a sneak peak in each of your lives over the last 4 months, but I look forward to getting to the roots of each individual over the course of this lifetime we have in front of us.

I have been fortunate to work with a team of individuals for over 16 years. What I have found is that each season is not just a numbered amount of days equaling a few months, 16 games, post season competition and a touchy, feely banquet that sums it all up. To me each season is a lifetime; a journey that we take together, where we give ourselves to one another to achieve something greater than we could ever do alone. It starts with each person trusting themselves and making a commitment to step outside their comfort zone, to bring something special and unique to the group so that we are just that... UNIQUE, SPECIAL and UNFORGETTABLE. No matter how small your contribution on a given day might be, it is valuable to the TEAM.

I look forward to all of the challenges that await us beginning tomorrow morning. I get excited to see each of you face these challenges and make them fun. Why? Why not. For 7 individuals this is it and I have heard each of them say it is scary, sad and daunting. I challenge each of us to make this journey enthusiastic, full of energy and purposeful.  I challenge each of you to hold on to your goals, keep your vision in your mind daily, and to savor and celebrate each moment that we are given.

I see a strong, powerful, enthusiastic team that is indivisible. I see a team that always turns a negative into a positive. I see a team that works hard each day to be better than the day before. I see a team that understands it might not be about being perfect, but it is about giving your best effort all the time. I see a prepared team that plays passionate and inspiring lacrosse every day.

TOGETHER we will bring the FIGHTING IRISH great pride, dignity and unity as ONE.
IRISH LACROSSE 2012- ready or not- here we come!

see you today at 3pm with your tickets!

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