Friday, January 13, 2012

Obviously its friday the 13th


            It is yet another awesome day on Strong Island. This picture was taken at 7 am this morning at the one and only Ward Melville high school: living proof that yes, I got off my couch this break. You know that pit in your stomach you get before morning conditioning? Well yea, I got that almost everyday running with these girls. The taller of the two in the picture is a mixture of Craig and Hunter, in girl form: this morning she was timing the runs and at one point got onto the track and starting chasing me…then started physically pushing me once she caught me, because, apparently, I wasn’t moving fast enough…the lucky girl in the blue doesn’t head back to school for 2 more weeks, it seems she knows how lucky she is.   
So, after 2 years of the whole “during winter break it snows, so figure it out” workout mentality I have so successfully not perfected, I decided to be proactive this break, I figured it out: cue xbox kinect. I don’t care what anyone says, dance central and zumba kinect could have got me in shape had it snowed, but of course this winter it doesn’t snow….so I learned a valuable lesson this break- you can never be too prepared, so you might as well do everything you can: which is why I will be returning with some new moves thanks to the b-boys and b-girls on the video games. In case you don’t believe my video game theory would of worked, just watch Billy Granger play football:
Sooo, I have to drive past Stony Brook University about everytime I get into my car, so after tomorrow I'll be expecting that the next time I’m near Stony Brook I’ll be on a bus with all of you on our way to play for a natty champ….Strong Island's not a bad place to end up.

 Enjoy your last few days at home, and safe travels back....ill see some of you tomorrow!

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