Friday, January 6, 2012

Hello hello from the (one and only) City of Champions!

I am happy to say that after 24 hours of traveling, we finally arrived home in Beantown last night. Australia and New Zealand were truly amazing, and as expected I have many Sullivan family stories to share with you guys when we get back (you can't make this stuff up!). 

I have really enjoyed reading everyone's blog entries, and they have helped keep me inspired and focused from half a world away! It wasn't always easy to wake up at 7 to run 300's on a tennis court, or do "socials" on the beach during happy hour, and I definitely dreaded the daily fight with the cricket teams for space on the local field. But all I had to do was think of you guys and the opportunities we have ahead of us this season, and I was quickly determined to do whatever necessary to complete my workout and push myself (to the liiiimiiiiiit!"). 

Being on the latter end of the blog posts, all of my main sources of inspiration have already been explained really well by previous blog posts, but I'll recap them quickly:
- Pride and tradition that go along with playing for our university and lacrosse program (Gargs)
- Sharing heart and compassion for the game we love with 26 of our best friends (Wing) 
- The hard work we have put in over the past 5 months (Mags)
- New opportunities (Em)
- Believing that we can accomplish anything we put our mind to (Marg, Sarah's video)
- Being the underdog, wanting to prove something (El, Allie)
- ONE chance to be successful with our 2012 team (Jord, Lo) 

All of these things should provide each of us with tremendous inspiration. To be honest, there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about each of these things and where I want our team to be on May 28. I really believe that our team has what it takes to make it to the Big Dance, but as I've learned over the past three years, it isn't enough to just have what it takes. If we really want to accomplish all that we can this season, we need to come back to school in a week with three major commitments to ourselves and our teammates. First, we need to make a commitment to establish an unshakeable confidence in ourselves and in our teammates, which will enable us to mentally defeat our opposition. Second, we need to make a commitment to show up each day with a purpose to work hard and a desire to get a little better than we were the day before. Third, we need to commit to maintain a positive attitude in all realms of our lax world; as we read in the Energy Bus, this can really make all the difference, and after all we are pretty freaking fortunate and have a lot to be positive about. I know there are times when each of us exemplifies one or all of these commitments, but I really believe if we can collectively be determined to live by these commitments for the next five months, we will separate our 2012 team from any other team that has played before us. 

I truly believe in each and every one of you guys. We will face each opportunity and challenge ahead of us as a team, and it is up to us to make this season what we want. Let's go get it!! 

- Meg 

PS: some extra inspiration for those 4 300's today! 

"Winners don't wait for chances- they take them."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I just watched that video Meg and got goose bumps. Love it. How unbelievable would it be to rush the field May 28th?
    Miss you
