Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Whats up from Long Island!

       Well I’d like to start this post by saying I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays and being with family and all those lovely holiday specials. For me the holidays have yet to cease. January happens to hold many, many birthdays in my family and of course Trish thinks it’s okey to host each birthday bash at our house, leaving me with leftover cakes, cookies, pies and all sorts of tempting and overwhelming treats (someone has to get rid of them right?). I’d be a little more at ease about this if I was able to run and actually do something other than swimming and yoga ( which is really me drowning for about 45 mins and trying to find my inner third eye while contorting my body in all odd ways…good stuff)
So far one of the highlights of my break has been the reruns of the Nicki Minaj Takeover on MTV day after day. Whoop Whoop, love her.

    Well, Jim got pretty sick of listening to Nicki and hearing me sing about super basses, knockouts and other..things so  and Trev turned on the CrossFit Most Fit Men and Women in the World…holy s*** ( can I say that?). These people were insane! They weren’t body builders, they were actual athletes and I can tell you they were ripped. The different exercises they had to do, with the weight, in a circuit, being timed…unbelievable. I sat there in awe of these people. Has anyone tried to do a handstand push up? Yah I tried, fell flat on my face. But moving on from my own incapability’s, there were two things that I really took away from watching the Cross Fit; 1) everyday someone is out there pushing themselves to their maximum, to their very end 2) if you aren’t one of those people you will never be number one. One of my favorite quotes from Mohandas Gandhi is this “A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.” So lets do this, take #18 and chop the 8 off the end. You wake up everyday believing in yourself and challenge yourself, challenge yourself to be the next greatest version of yourself. Boundaries are only created by men. Nothing is stopping you but yourself, so let go, embrace pain, embrace hardship and know at the end of the day you worked through it and got that much better.

In words of the baddest MC out there “I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive.
I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise, to fly” –Nicki Minaj
I can’t wait to see you guys and am so pumped for this season! I have such a great feeling about it. (Plus my horoscope says that my career will show success in May, and lacrosse is basically my career, so I’m just throwing that one out there.) XOXOXOXO

A little lovin from MaMa and me. -K.Bro 

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