Monday, December 26, 2011

The 12 Days of Irishmas by Molly and Jack Shawhan

To My Main Ladies,

For all you smarty pants out there that recognized... Yes, I am posting this a litttle early. This is due to the fact that Coach Nick and I will be spending the next THREE DAYS together starting with the drive down to Duke tomorrow. A long five hour car ride during which I will blast AND sing (most know already that my voice is a mix between Fergie and Jesus) either Brittany Spears, Taylor Swift, or Destiny's Child the entire ride. Haven't decided yet... I figured I would at least ask his preference. Needless to say, it is going to be an interesting ride! Right, Nick?!

So what have I been up to these past days you may ask?! Well, if you insist...

Day 1: Rode back with Betsy and Marge. I think I slept the entire drive, and am pretty sure Bets did too... Marge drove the whole way; bless her heart! I figured it was payback for the number of times she pushed me face first into the snow last year...
Day 2: Woke up, brushed teeth, went to the bathroom, ate breakfast... Alright I'm guessing you don't want a play-by-play necessarily. I'll just list the highlights and lowlights of my vacation thus far.
Highlight: My mom has made dozens of Christmas cookies, a pie, a cheesecake, coffee cake, apple crisp, peanut butter balls, a carrot cake, to name a few. So to combat these demon sweets I have been not only attending the gym three times a day and keeping up with our daily workouts, but also have taken on ping-pong, yes ping-pong… It is through this sport that I have come upon a newfound confidence, determination, drive, heart, inspiration, as well as some bruises, which have been fueling me everyday.
Lowlight: Thus, I am now twenty pounds overweight...
Highlight: Attended Jack's annual Christmas concert. He was adorable and made us all so proud! I wish I could include the video because on nearly every move he was a good five seconds behind...
Lowlight: He heard me showing Danny the video and pointing this out and now isn't speaking to me.
Highlight: I got clothes for Christmas! Including a winter jacket! So long the days of the ever coveted ISSUE PUFFER.
Lowlight: Who are we kidding that's my all-time favorite issue gear.

On a more serious note, I am going crazy here… If you can’t tell from the attached item below, I need to get back to the Bend and be with all of you! I can’t wait to get the season started and am so excited because based on all of these posts alone, I know we’re going to do something special this year. I’m obsessed with quotes. Here are a few of my favorites that motivate me and will hopefully do the same for you.
“Positive energy… It’s a term being talked about a lot more frequently in conference rooms, classrooms, locker rooms, and even living rooms. Perhaps it’s because there is an abundance of new research that shows that positive people…” Alright you caught me… That’s from “The Energy Bus” (PLEASE NOTE CHRIS!)… Seriously though... We may be some of the luckiest girls in the world! To be doing what we love at THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME?! It's insane! But it's not like it's easy, or handed to us. Think how hard we've worked to get to where we are right now. Think of all the years and years of High School and club lacrosse... All the time and hard work we put into getting better and getting noticed; to have the opportunity to go to the school of our dreams. Think of all the sticks you've gone through. Think of your first lacrosse game EVER. Remember all the times you thought about what it would be like to be in our shoes; with the chance to accomplish our goals; to step out dressed in the Irishuniform under the lights on Arlotta Stadium with all 7 fans cheering us on (haha kidding). Think of all the coaches who told you, "you can", and think of everyone who told you, "you can't." I'm telling you, "we will". Think of the hours in the GUG, the times you've thrown the ball against the wall. Try to add up the pounds we've lifted, the miles we've run. I guess what I'm getting at is we've come a LONG way and been through a ton. Enough to know what we want, how to get it, and to also know that we can. We can do anything we set our minds to, if we just do what Marge and Kristen have been harping on... BELIEVE! I think in order to do this we have to acknowledge the fact that it's not going to be easy. But it is going to be more than worth it. Hanging in my room is a sign that says, "All of your dreams can come true. If you have the courage to pursue them." In order for what we have been talking about to work, we have to be willing to do anything and everything to get there, and I know all of us are. We have to go out there in January and make it happen. "Believe in your dreams and they may come true. Believe in yourself and they will come true."

I thought I would do my best to leave a little piece of myself on here other than written words... And thus I have attached a video... Now just a friendly public service announcement. The following video is for YOUR viewing purposes only. Please do not paste onto facebook, tweet about it or the likes (THIS MEANS YOU @NDWOMENSLAX). It is, I am telling you now, basically a “social suicide” for myself. There will be consequences for those of you who do not obey, which involve lacrosse balls errantly leaving my stick and making their way somewhat similar to Marge’s demise to concussed-ness in the fall. Alright, I’m kidding… But seriously though… I’m done for aren’t I? Well at least don’t tag me in it… Say Marge made it.
You have to download it... Just open the link and then click download! Not a virus I promise!

Love you more than life itself,
Molly #27


  1. fiiiiiiiveee players maxing...... out. well done molls. you an FTT major? the seniors have a few that could prob help jump start your career
