Monday, December 26, 2011


Heyyy teammates and bff's,
So decided id start off with an experience I had today:
Im up at the turf, sense there is still no snow and its warm out (which is really *scary-global warming*) there is suppose to be snow and coldness in upstate New York at this time of year. Anywho, I was up at the turf running 100's and as you can imagine, struggling a bit. So on the 9th one I'm resting, and all of a sudden I get rocked in the head by a soccer ball.. and fall to the ground. Side note-there were also a bunch of kids playing soccer on the turf while i was running.   Not like I can really afford loosing any more brain cells. Don't fret I got up in time to run the next few 100's! Im such a badass. But it was kind of funny, I know you all would have been peeing your pants if you were there with me.

Besides that here is my main man, Angus/ Shmang or Pooters (which my (straight) brother calls him). He's our irish boy, he's a ginger and has freckles all up in his mouth. We've been chillin on the couch together most of break, watchin Jerry Springer re-runs.

Soo tomorrow's my bday and I wish I could spend it with you duuudes. I know my girl Allie will do me and my birthday justice and write a fabulous blog. Im siked to get back to school and kick some major ass with all you guys. I really am, more then any other season, excited for this year. One thing that helps me get through the workout's is thinking about the season ahead and all you guys. I believe we are ranked pretty low on the pre season rankings, which kinda pumps me up, there's nothing better then the "underdog" kicking the others ass- and showing everyone who we are and what we are made of. We have all the power in our own hands- we just have to come together and play to each others strengths, in my opinion. Keep pushing yourselves through the workouts. I plan on finally getting a pull up, and passing another run test. wooo! Just keep in the back of your minds how great it will feel to win a Big East championship and then Nattty Champ. It would feel pretty freekin awesome. Lets bust our asses to get there and do it together.
Love and miss you all.


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY OFFICIALLY! and you are hilarious to get hit in the head...only you Ell only you! Love the underdog comment, but give us a couple weeks of playing and we will be in the top 10 no worries! Keep working hard


  2. completely agree with you el, love being the underdog and upsetting "the best" teams and completely dominating everyone else. can't wait to do this with all you guys this year!!

  3. i just laughed so hard at the soccer ball story i couldn't breathe. then i got all sorts of jacked up with your underdog comment- can't wait to prove everyone wrong! thanks for the emotional rollercoaster HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHELLY LOVE YOU!!!! -jord
