Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Hello from Minnesota!!

I hope everyone made it home safely and is enjoying break so far! I know I personally am very happy to be home and am enjoying having a real kitchen once again. All our christmas decorations are up and I am in officially in the christmas spirit, even though this could be my first non-white christmas. Hopefully this picture of our tree works... its one of my favorite things about christmas. Its 11 feet tall and we have more than 200 ornaments from over the years. (I was going to put a picture of my dog in her christmas gear but I am fairly certain we will get our fill of dog pictures on the 12th)

After finals it has been great to finally relax a bit and spend some time with my family. We leave for Mexico in 10 days so hopefully I will be bronzed and happy when I return to school. In other news, this morning the nurse had to stab me 3 times in the arm and then dig the needle around to draw blood and I think my arm will be bruised for a week.

I hope everyone has stayed motivated to complete the training and stay on track so we are in a position to achieve our goals when we all get back. It is easy to set high goals, but the desire to really work to achieve them is what sets our team apart from others. One of my favorite quotes is: "Dreams don't work unless you do" and I think it really applies to our team. The reason we are going to be successful this season is because we are all willing to put in the work to be a great team. Thinking of how hard all of you are working has kept me motivated to do the same and not let you, myself or the team down! 

miss you all! 

with love, 
mich (or "shelly" as some of you still insist... :) )

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