Thursday, December 22, 2011

Sending love from a car in NYC

Hey guys.

 So this is gonna be short n sweet. I'm currently in nyc.  well stuck in Nyc. There's a fire in the Lincoln tunnel so me n mama can't get home.  We've been here just two days but I've quickly realized that I will never ever live here for many reasons. Just to name a few  there are a billion ppl on top of you, the noise is never ending, you need to know a different language besides English cause that isn't the most common one spoken, n everyone is going to die of first or second hand smoke.

Anyways, I've missed you guys a lot already over break n hope everyone is working hard. While walking around the monstrous macy's (its ginormous). The one saying they had everywhere was BELIEVE. Every time I saw it I was reminded of our team and the how good we can be and how far we can go this season if we simply remember to BELIEVE in ourselves. (sorry great pics were gonna be included)

 I know everyone will work hard this break and be ready to go when we get back but I hope this Will help remind you guys to believe in yourselves everyday and remember what we're working towards.

Finally, one of my favorites quotes that I have in my room n wanted to share with you guys is:

Somewhere behind the athlete you've become is the little girl who fell in love with the sport, and never looked back, do it for her.

 Even on the hard days this helps me believe in what I'm doin and reminds how lucky I am to be at notre dame and how much I always wanted to be exactly where I am now.

Live, love, n lax till we die (may 27th)


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