Saturday, December 17, 2011

sweet seventeen

sooo right now it's 10:20 pm here in Cali, so as we sit here and wait to board our flight to New Zealand I decided that I should share what's going on in my life right now. So we don't really have any interesting pictures or videos yet- the only interesting things that have happened is the man next to me on our flight decided it was appropriate to puke in a little paper bag while sitting next to me while the female to my left watched me sleep for 4 hours, Meg almost got hit by a bus, moms wearing her retainer in the airport and dad well he's being typical Gary. So all in all it's been a rather unproductive day but who cares because finals are OVER.
When I was thinking of what to write to you guys to portray my excitement for this season I am excited because no one knows what we are capable of and what hell we are going to raise in the NCAA's this year. Lets push ourselves harder than we ever have before because this is the last time us 30 girls will be together repping the ND lax uniforms. We will never have this season again with this team. the team of 2011. So screw the successes of the 2004 team because we are going to be the team that every future ND lax member aspires to be. hunter has sent us our packets, the coaches have laid out their expectations, and we have pushed each other. So let's use this break to re-motivate ourselves. Remember why you're here and what you dreamed of when you first began playing lacrosse. Bust your asses this break and let's kill it when we get back.
I wanted to provide a famous motivational quote but I couldnt find any that accurately portrayed my feelings so I made up my own and here it is: get ready to f*** some serious s*** up. get stoked!!
Well we are boarding now and that's all I've got for you lovely ladies,
have an unreal break and I'll miss youzzz!


  1. Two things: One this blog is awesome...nice work Sarah if you made the profile with the favorite movie as Rudy (who just got put in jail btw) and favorite book as The Bible...solid.

    Secondly, can we acknowledge Shauna and Kristen's faces in this photo? K, great, thanks.

    Miss you all already,

    Go Irish, and Go Patriots beat Tebow.


  2. also, i loled at your mom wearing her retainer in the airport lauren. THERE AINT NO CROOKED TEETH IN THE SULLIVAN FAMILY.

    love, kristin
