Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Ellie’s Birthday Day!!!!!

Hello everyone.
So as we all know/been reminded a bunch of times TODAY IS ELLIE’S 21st BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! It’s slightly ironic that her birthday falls on my day since you all know how much I love those personal holidays we get for doing absolutely nothing but surviving another year of life.  But since she’d kill me if I didn’t mention it, I might as well start with it.  So…. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELLE!!!! I am pretty angry were not back at school to celebrate with you! It looks like you’ll just have to have two days to yourself now. I might even have a present for you when we get back because my mom is making me go after-Christmas clearance Good Will shopping with her today (didn’t even know they had such a thing at stores were almost everything is under $5 anyway). So in the meantime have an awesome day ALL to yourself. As Betsy once told me (actually the first time I met her) something very close to, “Today is my Birthday, and it’s the one day a year everything and everyone will revolve around me.”  I think her words of wisdom are very fitting for your birthday. So, go thoroughly enjoy your very special day!

My vacation has been lovely and full of the many things I like to do… like sleeping and sleeping.  For my Christmas I got two very unsurprising stocking stuffers, the book Energy Bus and my first ever gym membership.  Both have been quite interesting…

So after looking for the book in a bunch of stores, my mom decided she wanted to read it.  Now she is officially obsessed.  She plans on making my dad and siblings read it and I’m not sure they’re too interested...  

And this gym I now go to everyday has these signs plastered on about every inch of the walls that say things like “Judgment free Zone” and “No critics”, etc.  But let me tell you when I walked in and went to work on my packet, man did they stare.  I can only imagine what 225lbs of hulking muscle probably thought seeing a pale, sickly looking girl straying from the elliptical and struggling with the 25 lbs free weights.  (but wait for it… here comes my fleeting moment of inspirational inspiration) But I don’t totally agree with these signs I stare at every day.  I’m not really good with quotes, but I think some of the best motivation is being doubted, judged wrongly, being underestimated, and ultimately being criticized and having something to prove (whether it’s the giant 225lbs man working out next to me or the preseason rankings). It’s that struggle to surprise people and prove them wrong everyday.  For me right now, that definitely applies to lifting.  Though I have graduated from my baby bar, I don’t think I quite fit in yet as well as the rest of you.  But maybe with a bunch more hours in the gym (and maybe a few tanning sessions) I’ll finally attain that coveted status of “fitting in at the gym” that I so desire.  So next time your having a bad day or think your traps are getting a little too large, just imagine me and I can guarantee you you’ll be glad you have them. 

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