Monday, December 19, 2011

Act as if it were impossible to fail and it will be

Hey Guys!!

I hope you all are enjoying your time at home with friends and family and recovering from that brutal week of finals. Some more than others..

(yes that is como)

I can't tell you how much I miss you all already! There have been so many things that have happened to me and I want to go run and tell all of you! The one thing that stands out in my mind is a little story I'd like to dedicate to Ellie and her bestfriend Kayla...
 My sister and I arrived home on friday for her birthday and we all enjoyed a great home cooked meal (including all of the food groups with sufficient, but not gluttonous, portions of each). The celebration wasn't over though, and my mom pulled out not one, not two but THREE cakes for the FOUR of us to celebrate with (one chocolate, one vanilla and one ice cream). Really mom? She said she wanted to satisfy all over our cravings... Ellie I think u'd be proud. 
Not too much else has occurred. A highlight of my trip back was when my mom surprised me with a new book about the Amish. I think most of you know by now I have a not-so-secret obsession with these humble people and their culture. If any of you saw how mesmerized I was by Margaret on halloween and how I literally couldn't leave her side, it was because I thought my dream came true and I was in a real Amish community with a real Amish thank you Margaret for that experience. 
Also, we went to the Giants game yesterday which was so much fun but unfortunately they didn't play so well...
I am actually heading over to work out now and I just wanted to give Grace a shout out for her motivation last night. I now know my image with the team and I am going to do everything in my power to uphold this image! photo.php.jpg
And as we all go to lift weights I just want to remind you to have great form and PLEASE whatever you do don't look like these people (at least don't wear your Notre Dame issue if you do...)

On a serious note though I can't wait for February to come so that we can finally  show everyone what we are made of and what we have inside us. The strides we have made together, as one, in these last months have been incredible. We all have each other's backs and I can proudly proclaim that every one of you would carry me over the finish line if I needed you. This is what a team is and this is what we have grown to be. We have all come from different backgrounds and have different stories but we share one thing in common: we don't take no for an answer. I know all of you have been told and made to feel that "you can't" at one point in your lives whether it was within the last few years or in high school or both but you never backed down and you never listened. That's the attitude we need now more than ever. We are not going to take the easy road and we will never stop competing. So now is the time. This month we have at home is the time that winners are made and teams win championships.  We have to stay focused, push ourselves and reach limits. We have to break through walls and know that there are thirty other girls and three coaches behind us working as hard as we are. We have the opportunity to make a statement, to win it for ourselves, for each other and for Our Lady. Let us all be the leaders we are and come back stronger, fitter, and more mentally tough than ever. I want this more than I can tell you and I know you all feel the same way I do. 
Recently I've been following the story of Tim Tebow, one of the most decorated collegiate athletes in history. His story is truly inspirational and if you every have a chance to watch the ESPN special on him please do. It shows him training from 7-7, pushing and picking up cars, running in pitch black and lifting weights until he physically can't anymore. People told Tebow he wouldn't succeed in the NFL but he pushed himself harder than before and is now one of the best. Usually people just see the wins and the award ceremonies, but no one sees the work that goes into receiving the accolades. Let's all be like Tebow and push ourselves more than ever in this month! We can do it, we just have to believe and take the steps needed to get there. So, I leave you with one of my favorite quotes. It's simple but it had the strength to push me in some of my hardest times and I hope it will help all of you! 

Thank you for making me struggle,
Thank you for making me grind
I perfected my hustle,
Tell me the world ain't mine


Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

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