Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy 30th!

Greetings All!

From reading all our bloggers posts so far, it sounds like everyone is enjoying their time at home and I personally have loved the snapshots of your routines away from South Bend.  I currently am in the air on one of my many flights during break.  I was home in Vermont for a week before I headed south to Duke to work their winter camp for a couple of days.  While it is always tough to say goodbye to family, I realized it was time for me to go for my mom’s itinerary for BCE concluded on the 26th and my two year old niece said bye to me every time I put on a sweatshirt or jacket once Christmas ended.  I bring to you, my top highlights (in no particular order) from winter break thus far.
 Kelly discovering the blogs favorite book and movie·        
Flying home without a flight cancellation, delay, or winter storm to drive through (first time in four years)
 Finding out Extreme Santa does exist on Christmas morning
 For my fellow Fruit Ninjas out there – Arcade High Score of 739
 Jordy singing “All I Want For Christmas” on
Hanging out with my two year old niece (videos and pictures for anyone who is interested)
  Learning to Sponge Bob and beating Molly in a dance contest at Duke camp

Every single one of you have made tremendous strides this fall and I am looking forward to showing the world what Notre Dame lacrosse is all about.  Keep your eyes on the prize, 18 days till we are reunited.  I also have shared with you below one of my favorite quotes and YouTube videos.  Enjoy!

“Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or it will starve. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a lion or gazelle - when the sun comes up, you’d better be running.”

Happy New Year!

Sarah G. Dalton


  1. New great iPad / iPhone game...temple run. So addicting. I now know I have some practice to do in fruit ninja to beat ninja dalton's high score...yikes.

    In all seriousness though I had never seen that video and I may or may not have just watched it three times and made other people watch. I love it!

    Welp...I'm off to a nice car ride from Georgia to South Carolina to buy some fireworks.
    Adios amigos

  2. LOVE this video sarah!!!

  3. You did not and will not ever beat me in anything.
