Friday, December 16, 2011

From Across The Pond!!

Hello All,

I just landed in London and I'm very excited to be home! I wanted to keep this short and sweet.. I know that some of you know this quote but I wanted to remind you of it and introduce it to the freshmen. When you wake up and it's snowing or raining outside and you don't feel like training remember what we want to achieve this season. I really want to be celebrating not only one Championship with you all in May but 2!

"Today you must do more than is required from you. Never think that you have done enough or that your job is finished. There's always something that can be done - something that can help to ensure victory. You can't let others be responsible for getting you started. You must be a self-starter. You must possess that spark of individual initiative that sets the leader apart from the led. Self motivation is the key to being one step ahead of everyone else and standing head and shoulders above the crowd. Once you get going don't stop. Always be on the lookout for the chance to do something better. Never stop trying. Fill yourself with the warrior spirit - and send that warrior into action."


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