Sunday, December 18, 2011

Hello from Rochester!

Hey guys hope you're break is going well so far and you all made it home (or to Austrailia) safely!  It is really nice being home with my family and not having to worry about school.  I haven't really done much since I've been home but I did start work again at Wegmans! (Best cashier in Rochester) jk...  But anyways it is good having something to do and be able to make some money because my bank account has been suffering.

I am really excited for the season to start and to see what our team is capable of this year!  While at home, I know that it is difficult to push yourself when working out alone (I have already gotten strange looks from people at the gym as I loudly stomp on the treadmill...), but think about your teammates and how hard they are working so that we all can achieve our goals.  I know that I am going to stay inspired this break to workout just because of the fact that I am so proud to be a part of the 2012 Irish Lacrosse team.  Knowing that I am on a team with 28 other girls who truly care about our goals and aspirations will encourage me to push myself while I am alone and hopefully you.  Again, I am so excited for this season and to be able to play with all of you!! Hope you guys enjoy the rest of your breaks with your family and friends!

Love, Lindsay :)

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