Thursday, December 29, 2011

Happy December 29th!!!

Ok so I guess the 29th isn't really a holiday but who cares!

Anyway I hope everyone is enjoying their post Christmas and pre New Years Eve week. Mine has been pretty eventful, yesterday I went into the city with my sister and met my roommate and her mother for dinner. I was sitting there and I look up and JAMES FRANCO walked right by me and then preceded to sit directly behind me, like we could touch. As many of you know I have an obsession with all celebrities, so I thought this was a huge deal, and yes he is as beautiful as he is in his movies. The rest of the night was pretty uneventful, which contrasted with my morning today. My mom set up an appointment with the ENT to check out my annoying tonsils that keep getting inflamed, and to do this they have to stick that long, huge camera tube thing up your nose, and down through your throat. It was as HORRIBLE as it sounds, I freaked out and started crying so they had to use the pediatric tube which is a lot smaller. (In my defense my nose is broken and the septum is all crooked so the big tube has a hard time going through) But seriously I'm still in a state of shock, my nose is still numb and I am scarred for life.

Besides these two days my brake has been pretty ordinary besides the lovely trips to the gym. Oh the gym, this break is my first time ever belonging to a gym, oh and was I in for a surprise. I love the looks I get from the skinny girls in full out lulu-lemon tight workout clothes on the elliptical, as I truck away on the treadmill at a incline of ten, and then jump off it when the time is up, panting away like a crazed dog, in a baggy t-shirt and shorts. It is really a lovely scene, but not as embarrassing as trying to do a pull up with out any help and then getting really close to then ultimately failing in front of all the juice heads. But it doesn't stop me because I know that 28 of my teammates and friends are doing it all over the country.

I am so excited for this season to start that it helps propel me through my workouts. I know everyone has posted some type of inspirational video or quote, but my personal favorite is by a teenage god named Justin Bieber, he may not know how to Lax but he sure can dance, sing and inspire: 

NEVER SAY NEVER, thats my mantra and I honestly believe that we can do insane things this year that no one would expect. Cant wait to see you all soon!!!!!!!

Happy New Year,

With love and joy,
#29 Barbara


  1. the visual of barb - long jump, deep squat, felicity, lumberjack - sullivan jumping on and off the treadmill in front of all those LI meatheads just made my day...keep working hard girl!!

  2. if you could "like" a comment, i would've liked megans. <3jord. keep it up felic
