Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Eve of Christmas Eve

Hope everyone’s break is going well! The past week my family has been preparing for our annual Christmas Eve party where we expect to see aunts and uncles, grandparents, friends, and thirty cousins. We’ve been busy baking cookies, cooking appetizers, and attempting to clean the house while keeping my mom from going berserk with stress. Among the work at home I’ve still been attending therapy and I got the okay to get my brace off yesterday! (I won’t mind the lack of a white Christmas in Connecticut for now since I have to put the brace back on whenever there’s snow or rain). I got to go into the city though and the tree and all the other decorations were gorgeous.

I’m so excited for our season to start. Take nothing for granted – our successes will come because of all the hard work you’ve put in during fall ball, over this winter break, and because of how much we all want it. Like the quote I came across on StumbleUpon says, “Winning isn’t everything, but wanting to win is.” We can’t expect to succeed just because we think we deserve it. Let’s stay motivated and continue working hard to prove to everyone that we’ve earned it!

Merry Christmas!
Love, Elizabeth


  1. Yayy! So glad you got your brace off Lizzard! How exciting!! :) It will be great to have you back on the field! Merry Christmas! Love, Kenz

  2. Congrats Bear!!! You'll be back in no time =)
