Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hi from the Mile High!

Truth be told I had to help my Mamacita with my Dad’s office party all day but now that it's nearly 9 for some of you we can pretend I was holding out to send it at 21:00 hours on the 21st. Anyways my sister gets home from Ecuador tonight and I couldn't be more thrilled to see that jet setter. It's been too long! I'm stoked for Christmas especially because we have no less than 12 (rein)deer in our yard. So festive! Still trying to convince my dad to shoot the 8 point buck for a mantle piece but he's not into it. Weird, right? 
The weather has been up in down in true Colorado fashion, so I've been right there with you Linds stomping on the treadmill! 
So here is something different that I think is a really cool concept especially for this team with a revamped outlook and mentality. I know it's winter break, but here’s my little history lesson… When Cortes landed in Mexico in the 1500’s he ordered his men to “burn the boats” so that they had no choice but to continue and commit to a new life in the new world. The fortune was still to be found and the land was still to be explored, but they burned the boats so that the only way was forward. Although there were no guarantees, they turned out to be extremely successful. I think we can learn some things from Cortes (besides the whole him killing off populations of people), but in all seriousness, there is something to be said when someone is willing to look toward the future and commit themselves to becoming great. We have learned from the past, but at this point all we need is what lies within us to go after what lies ahead of us. We, as a cohesive unit, have amazing potential, and although it won’t be easy, it will be so rewarding if we work to achieve the successes we are striving for. As my boy Ben says “Energy and persistence conquer all things” –Benjamin Franklin. I am all fired up hearing about how hard everyone is working and I am doing my part, too, because we have so much opportunity ahead of us!! Keep the faith! Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Peace, love, and tebow.
“And there’s a magic in the sound of their name, here come the Irish of Notre Dame…”
PS this whole blog thang is tight! Hopefully you can see my picture and with a little luck the format is legible. See you all in a couple weeks :)


  1. Kenz, that was awesome! I've always been a history geek myself...AP US in high school, anyone with me?!...but I don't think truer words have been spoken about looking/moving forward. Sure there are plenty of funny stories from the past...but that is the past and not this team or this year. That post just got me so excited to reunite with you clowns on January 16-17th! Hope everyone is doing well!

    Peace, parties, and Patriots.


  2. Kell! so glad you're pickin up what im puttin down :) also, kid you not, it has snowed 4 inches since i posted that. i put up a picture of my sister and i looking like snow angels (or starfish... its a toss up), either way, in our defense it was spontaneous and those are my dads jackets! haha -kenz
